Advertising Spots
Where can I promote on This Week In Denver?
We don’t believe in ‘ad soup’. A page full of non-related ads distracts our subscribers and dilutes your message. We believe in intelligent, targeted promotion opportunities that are congruent with our subscribers’ lifestyle.
■ Main Artwork
The main focus. The prime spot. The big to-do. Our Main Artwork space gives you the highest visibility on the eCalendar. We coordinate an artistic campaign along with effective copy to get the best exposure for your event.
■ Weekly Spotlight
The best place to promote your event! One of only 3 chosen events, our Weekly Spotlights consistently gets the highest click rate of our weekly events. Reserve these spots at least 3 weeks in advance as they tend to book fast.
■ Sponsor Spot
A prime location to promote your business, or to promote an event in advance. This flexible format allows for your logo, a short paragraph and of course a link to you. Ideal for event marketers, or just to show you support the cause!
■ Advance Promotion
An extended Sponsorship campaign, these select spots between daily listings provide a second chance for exposure. A great way to pre-sell event tickets or book reservations for programs.
■ Affiliate Marketing
Do you have an affiliate program for your online business? Let us send high-quality traffic to you via text ads. Contact us to tell us about your program.